Oncology & Cancer

Gene linked to pancreatic cancer growth, study finds

A mutant protein found in nearly all pancreatic cancers plays a role not only in the cancer's development but in its continued growth, according to a new study from University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers. ...

Oncology & Cancer

New protein may suppress breast cancer growth

Research led by Dr. Suresh Alahari, the Fred Brazda Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans and its Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, has found that a protein discovered by ...

Oncology & Cancer

Nanosensor that lights up cancer to be tested in surgeries

UT Southwestern Simmons Cancer Center scientists next month will begin testing a digital nanosensor that lights up cancer tissue to see whether it can improve the accuracy of cancer surgeries, thereby reducing cancer recurrence ...

Oncology & Cancer

AI identifies cancer cells

How do cancer cells differ from healthy cells? A new machine learning algorithm called "ikarus" knows the answer, reports a team led by MDC bioinformatician Altuna Akalin in the journal Genome Biology. The AI program has ...

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