
Hospital hypoglycemia rates up in black men with diabetes

(HealthDay)—Home diabetes regimens partially explain the increased risk of having a hypoglycemia event during hospitalization among older African-American men with diabetes, according to a study published in the April issue ...

Oncology & Cancer

VEGF may not be relevant biomarker for advanced prostate cancer

The well-studied protein VEGF does not appear to have any prognostic or predictive value for men with locally advanced prostate cancer, researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at Thomas Jefferson University ...

Medical research

Growing new arteries, bypassing blocked ones

Scientific collaborators from Yale School of Medicine and University College London (UCL) have uncovered the molecular pathway by which new arteries may form after heart attacks, strokes and other acute illnesses bypassing ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fasting time for tumour cells

(Medical Xpress)—Tumours need a steady supply of sufficient nutrients to be able to grow. In order to secure the nutrient availability, they secrete messenger compounds to stimulate neighbouring blood vessels to proliferate ...


Encouraging early results for redesigned Sapien valve

The new Sapien XT aortic valve showed a non-significantly lower rate of death and strokes at 30 days than the original model, and both valves demonstrated notably better short-term outcomes than seen with the Sapien system ...

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