Oncology & Cancer

Methylation signaling controls angiogenesis and cancer growth

A study led by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) demonstrates a new mechanism involving a signaling protein and its receptor that may block the formation of new blood vessels and cancer growth. The ...


New eye treatment effective in laboratory tests

A promising technique for treating human eye disease has proven effective in preclinical studies and may lead to new treatments to prevent blindness, according to experiments conducted at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Bile protein may help detect pancreatic cancer

(HealthDay)—A protein "biomarker" in bile correctly identifies pancreatic cancer and may detect the cancer earlier than some markers in blood, according to a new study.


Approved cancer drug potentially could help treat diabetes

A pair of studies by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine has identified a molecular pathway—a series of interaction among proteins—involved in the development of diabetes. Furthermore, they have ...


New technologies for retinal therapies

The future of the investigation and treatment of retinal disorders is already here at the MedUni Vienna: in the new Christian Doppler "OPTIMA" (Ophthalmic Image Analysis) laboratory headed by Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Director ...

Oncology & Cancer

VEGF may not be relevant biomarker for advanced prostate cancer

The well-studied protein VEGF does not appear to have any prognostic or predictive value for men with locally advanced prostate cancer, researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at Thomas Jefferson University ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers link stress and pancreatic cancer in new paper

Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease with increased incidences in the recent years. According to NDSU researchers, epidemiological data show chronic stress in a negative social and psychological state such as depression ...

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