
High unawareness of distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy

(HealthDay)—A high percentage of older adults with diabetes and prediabetes are unaware of having clinical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSPN), according to a study published online Dec. 28 in Diabetes Care.

Oncology & Cancer

Better diagnosis for brain cancer

A research team from both Scottish and UK institutions using infrared spectroscopy at Diamond Light Source reports a major advance in brain tumor diagnosis made by. This will enable non-invasive diagnoses of primary brain ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Diagnosing Alzheimer's with diamonds and PET scans

Deep within our brains is a dense forest of 100 billion nerve cells. Each of those cells has about 15,000 dendrites that branch out to connect with dendrites from other nerve cells, generating more than 100 trillion points ...


The plight of the modern coalminer

Open-pit coalminers face a unique set of occupational hazards. The dozers, dump trucks, and shovels they operate stand five or six stories tall and often sport tires two or three times their height.


Shaking up newborn ambulance transportation for a brighter future

The multidisciplinary team led by Professor Donal McNally, Professor of Bioengineering and Head of the Bioengineering Research Group, along with researchers from the Centre for Healthcare Technologies, has launched a three-year ...

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