Medical research

Vibration may help heal chronic wounds

Wounds may heal more quickly if exposed to low-intensity vibration, report researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Robotic therapy helps children's coordination

Researchers from the University of Leeds are developing an innovative new robotic device that helps children to practise and improve their hand coordination.


Cellular channels vital for hearing identified

Ending a 30-year search by scientists, researchers at Boston Children's Hospital have identified two proteins in the inner ear that are critical for hearing, which, when damaged by genetic mutations, cause a form of delayed, ...

Medical research

Hearing loss clue uncovered

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers from the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Melbourne and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Monash University have discovered how hearing loss in humans ...


Brain ultrasound improves mood

Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques aimed at mental and neurological conditions include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for depression, and transcranial direct current (electrical) stimulation (tDCS), shown ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Belt to prevent and rehabilitate lower back pain launched

FIK, Tecnalia and BTS launch a belt to prevent lower back pain problems and provide rehabilitation at home and at work. The Lumbia device can be used for patient´s assessment, and for therapy during postural reeducation.

Oncology & Cancer

Virtual vehicle vibrations

"Sit up straight in your chair!" That command given by countless parents to their children may one day be delivered by vehicle designers to a robot that is actually a computerized model of a long-distance truck driver or ...

Medical research

New implant replaces impaired middle ear

(Medical Xpress)—Functionally deaf patients can gain normal hearing with a new implant that replaces the middle ear. The unique invention from the Chalmers University of Technology has been approved for a clinical study. ...


High unawareness of distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy

(HealthDay)—A high percentage of older adults with diabetes and prediabetes are unaware of having clinical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSPN), according to a study published online Dec. 28 in Diabetes Care.

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