
Americans lack knowledge about eye health

Americans' lack of knowledge about eye health may put their vision at risk, according to a survey released by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.


How a Southern diet is connected to chronic diseases

Warmer weather brings more opportunities for picnics, barbecues and gatherings around food. But before you reach for a second helping, consider if what you're eating may be increasing your risk for chronic disease.


Poor eyesight unfairly mistaken for brain decline

Millions of older people with poor vision are at risk of being misdiagnosed with mild cognitive impairments, according to a new study by the University of South Australia.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Brain stimulation rapidly improves cognitive deficits in long-COVID

Many recovered COVID-19 patients continue to exhibit significant and long-lasting cognitive deficits in memory, attention, language comprehension and multitasking, as well as fatigue. These symptoms can persist for many weeks ...

Medical research

Detecting glaucoma before it blinds

Early detection and diagnosis of open angle glaucoma important so that treatment can be used in the early stages of the disease developing to prevent or avoid further vision loss. Writing in a forthcoming issue of the International ...


Eyes are windows to more than a child's soul

Nearly 80 percent of what children learn during their first 12 years is through their vision. Though vision problems may seem easy to identify, they actually can be difficult for parents to discern. Still, parents need to ...


Five ways to protect your eye health

(HealthDay)—Your risk of vision problems increases with age, but there are things you can do to protect your sight, eye doctors say.


Vision trouble can dim life's prospects

(HealthDay)—People with vision problems may face a higher risk of unemployment, poverty and mental health problems, a new British study suggests.

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