
Action videogames change brains: study

A team led by psychology professor Ian Spence at the University of Toronto reveals that playing an action videogame, even for a relatively short time, causes differences in brain activity and improvements in visual attention.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Tackling dyslexia before kids learn to read

For children with dyslexia, the trouble begins even before they start reading and for reasons that don't necessarily reflect other language skills. That's according to a report published online on April 5 in Current Biology, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study: Impulsive kids play more video games

Impulsive children with attention problems tend to play more video games, while kids in general who spend lots of time video gaming may also develop impulsivity and attention difficulties, according to new research published ...


How do we split our attention?

McGill's Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab team finds that we are natural-born multi-taskers.


Memory and attention problems may follow preemies into adulthood

Babies born at a very low birth weight are more likely to have memory and attention problems when they become adults than babies born at a low to normal weight, according to a study published in the December 6, 2011, print ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People have powerful appeal in photos

(Medical Xpress) -- College students looking at photographs spent more time gazing at the people in the pictures than the surrounding elements, even when those people were quite small or not centrally located, according to ...

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