
Tips for battling a deadly heat wave

Forecasters are predicting this week’s heat wave to be one of the hottest this summer. A Loyola physician is available to comment on staying safe.

Medical research

'Radiogenetics' seeks to remotely control cells and genes

It's the most basic of ways to find out what something does, whether it's an unmarked circuit breaker or an unidentified gene—flip its switch and see what happens. New remote-control technology may offer biologists a powerful ...


Injuries from ocean waves more common than thought

(HealthDay)—A study out of Delaware suggests that injuries to beachgoers caused by ocean waves are more common and severe than previously suspected, and people need to be aware of the ocean's power—even in shallow water.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Meet Mr Happy: French geneticist turned Tibetan monk

As he grins serenely and his burgundy robes billow in the fresh Himalayan wind, it is not difficult to see why scientists declared Matthieu Ricard the happiest man they had ever tested.


Musical duets lock brains as well as rhythms

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin have shown that synchronization emerges between brains when making music together, and even when musicians play different voices. In a study published ...

Medical research

Brain wave-reading robot might help stroke patients

(Medical Xpress) -- What comes naturally to most people – to think and then do – is difficult for stroke patients who have lost the full use of their limbs. New research by Rice University, the University of Houston ...


Noisy surroundings take toll on short-term memory

Have you ever noticed how tiresome it can be to follow a conversation at a noisy party? Rest assured: this is not necessarily due to bad hearing – although that might make things worse. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute ...

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