Psychology & Psychiatry

Study shows humans and apes learn language differently

(Medical Xpress)—How do children learn language? Many linguists believe that the stages that a child goes through when learning language mirror the stages of language development in primate evolution. In a paper published ...


Word association: Study matches brain scans with complex thought

In an effort to understand what happens in the brain when a person reads or considers such abstract ideas as love or justice, Princeton researchers have for the first time matched images of brain activity with categories ...


Study finds timing of brain waves shapes the words we hear

The timing of our brain waves shapes how we perceive our environment. We are more likely to perceive events when their timing coincides with the timing of relevant brain waves. Lead scientist Sanne ten Oever and her co-authors ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How adults understand what young children are saying

When babies first begin to talk, their vocabulary is very limited. Often one of the first sounds they generate is "da," which may refer to dad, a dog, a dot, or nothing at all.


Our brains 'time-stamp' sounds to process the words we hear

Our brains "time-stamp" the order of incoming sounds, allowing us to correctly process the words that we hear, shows a new study by a team of psychology and linguistics researchers. Its findings, which appear in the journal ...

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