Medical research

Scientists find key protein for spinal cord repair

A freshwater zebrafish costs less than two bucks at the pet store, but it can do something priceless: Its spinal cord can heal completely after being severed, a paralyzing and often fatal injury for humans.

Medical research

Lab-grown stem cells regenerate monkey hearts: study

In a step forward for organ regeneration, stem cells grown from a single monkey's skin cells revitalised the damaged hearts of five sick macaques, scientists reported Monday.

Medical research

DNA-based vaccine guards against Zika in monkey study

An experimental DNA-based vaccine protected monkeys from infection with the birth defects-causing Zika virus, and it has proceeded to human safety trials, researchers report.

Medical research

Tattoo therapy could ease chronic disease

A temporary tattoo to help control a chronic disease might someday be possible, according to scientists at Baylor College of Medicine who tested antioxidant nanoparticles created at Rice University.

Medical research

Study results advance 'transposon theory of aging'

A new study increases and strengthens the links that have led scientists to propose the "transposon theory of aging." Transposons are rogue elements of DNA that break free in aging cells and rewrite themselves elsewhere in ...

Medical research

Newborn gut microbiome predicts later allergy and asthma

The microbes living in a baby's gut during its first month of life may directly impact the developing immune system, leading to a higher risk of allergies and asthma later in childhood, according to a study by researchers ...

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