Medical research

New flu drug stops virus in its tracks

A new class of influenza drug has been shown effective against drug-resistant strains of the flu virus, according to a study led by University of British Columbia researchers.

Medical research

Compound that halts growth of malaria parasite created

A drug candidate that has shown promise for neutralizing dangerous bacteria also prevents the parasite that causes malaria from growing, new research by a Yale University team headed by Nobel laureate Sidney Altman shows.

Oncology & Cancer

Killing the unkillable cancer cells

Countless people are affected by the battle against cancer. Modern treatments can be quite efficient at shrinking the tumor, but too often, they can't kill all the cells, and the cancer may return. With some aggressive types ...

Medical research

New discovery could help turn antibiotic into antimalarial drug

Melbourne researchers are making progress towards new antimalarial drugs, after revealing how an antibiotic called emetine blocks the molecular machinery that produces the proteins required for malaria parasite survival.

Oncology & Cancer

Clinical trials for cancer, one patient at a time

Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) researchers are developing a new approach to cancer clinical trials, in which therapies are designed and tested one patient at a time. The patient's tumor is "reverse engineered" ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer stem cells isolated from kidney tumors

Scientists have isolated cancer stem cells that lead to the growth of Wilms' tumours, a type of cancer typically found in the kidneys of young children. The researchers have used these cancer stem cells to test a new therapeutic ...

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