
Gene discovery reveals mechanism behind how we think

Our brains are marvels of connectivity, packed with cells that continually communicate with one another. This communication occurs across synapses, the transit points where chemicals called neurotransmitters leap from one ...


Researcher explores decoding of complex neural circuits

A University of Wyoming faculty member is part of a research team that created a method, using laser, to better decode complex neural circuits in the brain—a process that eventually may help unlock the mysteries of epilepsy, ...


Team develops new method for analyzing synaptic density

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a new approach to broadly survey learning-related changes in synapse properties. In a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience and featured on the journal's cover, ...


Flip of a single molecular switch makes an old brain young

The flip of a single molecular switch helps create the mature neuronal connections that allow the brain to bridge the gap between adolescent impressionability and adult stability. Now Yale School of Medicine researchers have ...


Unraveling complex neuronal networks

One of the fundamental questions in neuroscience is how neuronal circuits are wired to process information. The research group led by Rainer Friedrich has developed new methods to determine the complex morphology of densely ...


Closer look at brain circuits reveals important role of genetics

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) in La Jolla have revealed new clues to the wiring of the brain. A team led by Associate Professor Anton Maximov found that neurons in brain regions that store memory can ...


Promising new drug targets for cocaine addiction found

Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have identified a new molecular mechanism by which cocaine alters the brain's reward circuits and causes addiction. Published online in the journal Proceedings ...

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