Archive: 11/10/2012
Jamaica steps up efforts to combat dengue fever
(AP)—Jamaica is stepping up mosquito eradication across the island and urging school children to stamp out breeding grounds to combat an epidemic of dengue fever, the Caribbean country's health minister said Thursday.
Oct 11, 2012
Brazil anti-AIDS effort uses indigenous language
(AP)—Brazil is using an indigenous language for the first in a campaign aimed at curbing violence against women and the spread of HIV.
Oct 11, 2012
One CVD death in China every 10 seconds
Urgent actions including smoking bans in public places, salt restrictions and improved blood pressure control are needed to fight rising cardiovascular disease in China. Half of male physicians in China smoke and they can ...
Oct 11, 2012
UK and US should learn from each other on health care, Lancet paper says
The healthcare systems of the USA and the UK are often thought of as polar opposites, yet the two countries may have much to learn from each other as they both embark upon significant health reforms, according to the authors ...
Oct 11, 2012