Is it time for a dedicated tax to fund the NHS?
Is it time for a dedicated (hypothecated) tax to fund the NHS, asks The BMJ in a debate article today?
Feb 8, 2017
Is it time for a dedicated (hypothecated) tax to fund the NHS, asks The BMJ in a debate article today?
Feb 8, 2017
Our collective failure to reverse inequality is at the heart of a global malaise, from populism to climate change, argue experts in The BMJ today.
Feb 8, 2017
Every day, the Medicare system pays certain doctors and hospitals a bit more, or judges them a bit differently, because their patients are sicker than national averages.
Feb 8, 2017
Melbourne researchers have used cutting-edge genomics technology to show a strain of a bacteria can be transmitted to patients from machines commonly used to regulate body temperature during cardiac surgery.
Feb 8, 2017