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Biomedical technology news


DNA molecules with 'invisibility cloak' sequences can selectively target diseased cells in motor neuron disease

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology have developed DNA molecules which contain "invisibility cloak" sequences, preventing healthy cells from reading the messages they ...


Gut bacteria engineered to act as tumor GPS for immunotherapies

Immunotherapeutic approaches have substantially improved the treatment of patients with advanced malignancies. However, most advanced and metastatic malignancies remain incurable and therefore represent a major unmet need.


Stem cell transplants repair macular holes in primate study

Human stem cell transplants successfully repaired macular holes in a monkey model, researchers report October 3 in the journal Stem Cell Reports. After transplantation, the macular holes were closed by continuous filling ...


A new injectable shows promise to prevent and treat hypoglycemia

People with diabetes take insulin to lower high blood sugar. However, if glucose levels plunge too low—from taking too much insulin or not eating enough sugar—people can experience hypoglycemia, which can lead to dizziness, ...


Study hints at ways to generate new neurons in old brains

Most neurons in the human brain last a lifetime, and for good reason. Intricate, long-term information is preserved in the complex structural relationships between their synapses. To lose the neurons would be to lose that ...

Radiology & Imaging

Exploring how melanin influences clinical oxygen measurements

Obtaining accurate clinical measurements is essential for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions. Regrettably, the impact of skin type and pigmentation is not equally considered in the design and calibration ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

A wide-gripped pen with magnets designed for Parkinson's patients

When Izzy Mokotoff's grandfather stopped writing his weekly letters to her in the spring of 2022, she knew she had to find a solution. Parkinson's disease had slowly been wearing down her grandfather's central nervous system, ...

Medical research

Researchers invent self-powered drug delivery system

A team of scientists—led by Yamin Zhang, Ph.D., and Colin Franz, MD, Ph.D., at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and John Rogers, Ph.D., at Northwestern University—has developed novel technology with the potential to change the ...


Use of VR during wide-awake surgery helps ease anxiety

Picture the breathtaking aerial view of Victoria Falls in Zambia—watch as water falling more than 300 feet into a seemingly endless abyss comes into focus and listen to the soothing sounds of soft music playing in the background. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Test developed for bat-borne virus in Asia

University of the Sunshine Coast-led research has developed a simple dipstick test to screen for a highly infectious, potentially deadly virus transmitted by bats to humans and pigs in Asia.


New sound navigation technology enables the blind to navigate

A new study by researchers at Reichman University's Brain Cognition and Technology Institute directed by Prof. Amir Amedi has shown that visual navigation areas in the brain can be activated using sound. By traversing mazes ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

App recognizes suspected mpox rashes using artificial intelligence

A new app developed by scientists at Stanford Medicine and other institutions can detect skin lesions caused by mpox, previously known as monkeypox, in images with an accuracy of 90%, the researchers found in a study. To ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers develop liquid biopsy test for pediatric solid tumors

Pediatric solid tumors make up approximately 40% of all childhood cancers. While pediatric cancer is rare, children can develop a wide range of tumor types, located in different parts of the body, which can make the differential ...

Biomedical technology

AI-based staining of biological samples

Histological staining, a principal tool for tissue examination in clinics and life-science research, has been routinely carried out in pathology laboratories to assist in assessing pathophysiology and disease diagnostics. ...

Biomedical technology

Augmenting the human body with a wearable robotic arm

Imagine having a third arm—a robotic one—to assist you with daily living. Silvestro Micera from EPFL, Switzerland, is engineering the human nervous system to make this a possibility.


Video: How limb lengthening surgery works

A limb length discrepancy is, quite simply, a difference in size between the length of an individual's arms or legs, and can occur in the upper and lower portions of each. The difference in length can range from a fraction ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Using radar to predict Alzheimer's disease and fall accidents

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed a method for predicting fall accidents and cognitive illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease by reading a person's walking pattern with the aid of a ...