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Oncology & Cancer news

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover new therapeutic target for the treatment of melanoma resistant to targeted therapies

An international research team led by scientists from the University of Liège has discovered an interesting new therapeutic target for the treatment of melanoma resistant to targeted therapies. Inhibition of the VARS enzyme ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers detail molecular pathway that impacts pancreatic cancer progression and treatment response

Researchers at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and colleagues have established the most comprehensive molecular portrait of the workings of KRAS, a key cancer-causing gene or "oncogene," and how its activities ...

Oncology & Cancer

'Artificial lymph node' used to treat cancer in mice

Johns Hopkins Medicine scientists say they have developed an artificial lymph node with the potential to treat cancer, according to a new study in mice and human cells. The newly developed lymph node—a sac filled with immune ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study uncovers how cancer stem cells spread and resist treatment

NDORMS researchers have identified a critical axis that controls the formation and behavior of cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of cells that influence how lethal the cancer can be, its resistance to chemotherapy, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Prostate cancer: Protein identified to reduce tumor growth

As prostate cancer progresses, it becomes increasingly aggressive and can metastasize. In this form, the tumor is difficult to treat, which is reflected in high mortality rates: Worldwide, the malignant disease of the prostate ...

Oncology & Cancer

New test detects more cases of cervical cancer

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of Innsbruck in Austria have developed a simpler and more effective screening method for cervical cancer than the method used today. The comprehensive study ...

Oncology & Cancer

New role of tumor suppressor STAT3β discovered in leukemia

The protein STAT3β has a positive influence on the course of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and could serve as a prognostic marker in the future. These are the outstanding results of a cancer research study at the Karl Landsteiner ...