Oncology & Cancer

Prognostic role of side where colon cancer occurs

Does the location of colon cancer—left or right side—matter for survival? A new report published online by JAMA Oncology reviewed medical literature to examine the prognostic role of a primary colon cancer tumor being ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover new path to stop the spread of cancer

Investigators from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC), and the Institute of Cancer Research, London (UK), have discovered that some cancer cells can draw blood from existing mature blood ...

Oncology & Cancer

To help prevent colon cancer, 'listen to your gut'

(HealthDay)—Sometimes following up on a gut feeling can make the difference between life and death, especially for people with colon cancer, researchers report.

Oncology & Cancer

Study: Colonoscopy after 75 may not be worth it

(HealthDay)—A colonoscopy can find and remove cancerous growths in the colon, but it may not provide much cancer prevention benefit after the age of 75, a new study suggests.

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