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Gastroenterology news

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How alcohol-associated liver disease differs among races

Researchers have long known that outcomes for alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) aren't equal among all races and ethnicities in the U.S., but differences among these groups have been less clear.

Oncology & Cancer

Circadian disruption, gut microbiome changes linked to colorectal cancer progression

Research from the University of California, Irvine has revealed how disruption of the circadian clock, the body's internal, 24-hour biological pacemaker, may accelerate the progression of colorectal cancer by affecting the ...


Study reveals link between microbiome and aggression in mice

A new study led by Prof. Omry Koren and graduate student Atara Uzan-Yuzari from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at Bar-Ilan University has unveiled significant evidence connecting the gut microbiome to aggressive behavior ...

Oncology & Cancer

How AI can help researchers make esophageal cancer less deadly

Approximately 600 times a day, the esophagus ferries whatever is in your mouth down to your stomach. It's usually a one-way route, but sometimes acid escapes the stomach and travels back up. That can damage the cells lining ...


Video: What is the microbiome?

Valhalla Fellow Lindsey Backman explains what the microbiome is and the roles that different members of our microbiomes play in health and disease.

Oncology & Cancer

Follow-up colonoscopy rates low after positive stool-based test

Among an average-risk population, follow-up colonoscopy (FU-CY) rates are low after a positive noninvasive stool-based screening test (SBT) for colorectal cancer, according to a study published online Jan. 18 in JAMA Network ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Prenatal stress may underlie tumors, inflammation in mice

A new mouse study suggests prenatal stress during late gestation can lead to inflammation in adult male offspring and tumor development in adult female offspring, according to researchers at the University of Toulouse in ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Gut microbes control the body's thermostat

What's considered normal body temperature varies from person to person, yet overall, the average basal temperature of the human body has decreased since the 1860s for unknown reasons. A study points to the gut microbiome ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Lower bacterial diversity is associated with irritable bowel syndrome

People with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have lower bacterial diversity in the intestine than do healthy people, according to a team of Korean investigators. The investigators believe that theirs is the first analysis to ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Deep meditation may alter gut microbes for better health

Regular deep meditation, practiced for several years, may help to regulate the gut microbiome and potentially lower the risks of physical and mental ill health, finds a small comparative study published in the open access ...


Interleukin-11 found to ameliorate acute colitis in mice

Interleukin (IL)-11 is produced by inflammatory fibroblasts, one of the stromal cells, during acute colitis. Researchers at Toho University Japan found that IL-11 ameliorated acute colitis in mouse models. The IL-11 production ...


Recommendations updated for management of celiac disease

In clinical guidelines published in the January issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology, updated recommendations are presented for the evaluation and management of patients with celiac disease (CD), defined as a ...


Expert explains why reflux disease isn't 'just' heartburn

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is one of the most common digestive disorders in the world. It happens when acid comes up from the stomach into the esophagus: The stomach can resist acid but the esophagus is less acid-resistant. ...


Gut bacteria affect brain health, mouse study shows

A growing pile of evidence indicates that the tens of trillions of microbes that normally live in our intestines—the so-called gut microbiome—have far-reaching effects on how our bodies function. Members of this microbial ...


How gut bacteria evade the immune system

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen address the long-standing question of how benign gut microbes evade the immune system. In doing so, they also reshape our understanding of how immune receptors ...


Consumption of fast food linked to liver disease

The new year has begun, and with it, resolutions for change. A study from Keck Medicine of USC published today in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology gives people extra motivation to reduce fast-food consumption.