American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Junk food linked to age-marker in chromosomes: study

People who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food are more likely to exhibit a change in their chromosomes linked to ageing, according to research presented Tuesday at an online medical conference.


Experts debate saturated fat consumption guidelines for Americans

Should public health guidelines recommend reducing saturated fat consumption as much as possible? Nutrition experts are tackling that controversial question head-on in a new series of papers outlining key points of agreement—and ...


Eating almonds can improve vascular health, study finds

Research led by Dr. Wendy Hall, Reader in Nutritional Sciences at King's College London and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that replacing popular snacks such as biscuits and crisps with almonds ...


Mycoprotein products build muscle better than milk protein

A study from the University of Exeter has found that mycoprotein, the protein-rich food source that is unique to Quorn products, stimulates post-exercise muscle building to a greater extent than milk protein.

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