Nature Methods

Oncology & Cancer

Tapping the genome's social network to find cancer drivers

Any one tumor might harbor mutations in thousands of different genes. The challenge is to find the driver mutations—which fuel cancerous activity, and might be promising treatment targets—within the haystack of passengers ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists take early step to personalized breast cancer care

UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers have developed a method to map protein changes that occur in different subtypes of breast cancer cells in response to DNA damage from a new class of chemotherapy drugs.

Oncology & Cancer

Single-nucleus RNA sequencing, droplet by droplet

Last year Broad researchers described a single-nucleus RNA sequencing method called sNuc-Seq. This system enabled researchers to study the gene expression profiles of difficult-to-isolate cell types as well as cells from ...

Oncology & Cancer

Comparing algorithms that search for cancer mutations

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) has undertaken the first-ever comparative analysis of a newly emerging category of algorithms that mine genetic information in cancer databases by focusing on internal ...

Medical research

Scientists use algorithm to peer through opaque brains

Trying to pinpoint signals from individual neurons within a block of brain tissue is like trying to count headlights in thick fog. A new algorithm, developed by researchers based at The Rockefeller University, brings this ...


10-fold speed up for the reconstruction of neuronal networks

Scientists working in connectomics, a research field occupied with the reconstruction of neuronal networks in the brain, are aiming at completely mapping of the millions or billions of neurons found in mammalian brains. In ...


A turbo engine for tracing neurons

Putting a turbo engine into an old car gives it an entirely new life—suddenly it can go further, faster. That same idea is now being applied to neuroscience, with a software wrapper that can be used on existing neuron tracing ...

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