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Overweight & Obesity news

Overweight & Obesity

Beyond diet: New study links diesel exhaust to obesity and diabetes

Anyone who has spent time on the internet has seen clickbait ads like "Secrets your doctor doesn't want you to know about weight loss" or "How to lower your metabolism in 24 hours." In these articles, lists of fatty foods ...


The secret to slimming? Special 'skinny genes' double weight loss

The secret to losing weight could all be down to a combination of 14 "skinny genes," a new study has found.

Overweight & Obesity

Electro-acupuncture could help with obesity management

A team of scientists led by Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Hong Kong University (HKU) has found evidence that electro-acupuncture—a form of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment—could ...


Eli Lilly weight-loss drug copycats dealt blow as shortage ends

Eli Lilly & Co.'s blockbuster weight-loss and diabetes drugs are no longer considered to be in shortage in the US, threatening to upend the many knockoffs that became popular when patients couldn't find the brand-name medicines.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

BMI outside of normal category linked to lower fecundability

For women and men, body mass index (BMI) outside of the normal range is associated with increased time to pregnancy and odds of miscarriage, according to a study published online Sept. 19 in JAMA Network Open.

Overweight & Obesity

Success of meal boxes in treating childhood obesity

Healthy recipes and subsidized meal boxes can go a long way in helping child obesity. These are the findings of a study conducted at the University of Gothenburg. The boxes were approved by the families investigated, and ...

Overweight & Obesity

A means of combatting childhood obesity

Recently, the World Health Organisation has highlighted that child obesity is a major problem. More than 40 million pre-school children worldwide are now overweight, the UK being no exception. Child obesity tends to track ...

Overweight & Obesity

Team pieces together signaling pathway leading to obesity

As scientists probe the molecular underpinnings of why some people are prone to obesity and some to leanness, they are discovering that weight maintenance is more complicated than the old "calories in, calories out" adage.

Overweight & Obesity

Cautious optimism as childhood obesity rates in Ireland plateau

Childhood overweight and obesity rates have plateaued in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland, reveals research published today in the open access journal BMC Public Health. The study found that although ...

Overweight & Obesity

Why losing weight is hard – but not impossible

Seeing pictures of preened celebrities, or even slimmer friends, makes many wish that their arms were that little bit thinner or abs more tightly toned. Most of us have an existing desire to be a normal healthy weight, but ...

Overweight & Obesity

Mortality risk of overweight and obesity similar for blacks, whites

A study from American Cancer Society researchers finds the increased risk of premature death associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) is similar for African Americans and whites, in contrast to previous, smaller studies ...

Overweight & Obesity

Exploring the link between childhood obesity and cognition

Difficulties learning, remembering, and concentrating. An inability to resist environmental temptations to eat. A lifetime of progressive deterioration in the brain. These may be the prices paid by children who regularly ...

Overweight & Obesity

Advocating weight diversity

A new review of the way health care professionals emphasise weight to define health and wellbeing suggests the approach could be harmful to patients.

Overweight & Obesity

The larger your friends the larger your appetite

Have you ever ordered more food at a restaurant than you intended? There are elements of dining rooms that actually prime you to eat more food. One such element is the weight of those dining with or near you. This new Cornell ...

Overweight & Obesity

Gut bacteria promote obesity in mice

A species of gut bacteria called Clostridium ramosum, coupled with a high-fat diet, may cause animals to gain weight. The work is published this week in mBio, the online open-access journal of the American Society for Microbiology.

Overweight & Obesity

An apple a day could keep obesity away

Scientists at Washington State University have concluded that nondigestible compounds in apples – specifically, Granny Smith apples – may help prevent disorders associated with obesity. The study, thought to be the first ...