Page 10 - RIKEN


Tailoring drugs to fit a patient’s genetic predisposition

Drugs are not equally effective on all patients. A treatment that is dramatically effective on some patients can be ineffective on others. Drugs can also have serious side effects; in the worst case, a drug used to treat ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Mutation discovered to protect against Alzheimer's disease in mice

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Brain Science have discovered a mutation that can protect against Alzheimer's disease in mice. Published in the scientific journal Nature Communications, the study found that a specific ...


Protein interaction is crucial for building networks in the brain

Neural networks are formed by the interconnection of specific neurons in the brain. The molecular mechanisms involved in creating these connections, however, have so far eluded scientists. Research led by Jun Aruga from the ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New mouse model could revolutionize research in Alzheimer's disease

In a study published today in Nature Neuroscience, a group of researchers led by Takaomi Saido of the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan have reported the creation of two new mouse models of Alzheimer's disease that may ...

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