Page 7 - Wellcome Trust


Research suggests ability of HIV to cause AIDS is slowing

The rapid evolution of HIV, which has allowed the virus to develop resistance to patients' natural immunity, is at the same time slowing the virus's ability to cause AIDS, according to new research funded by the Wellcome ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why do resistant bacteria succeed?

(Medical Xpress)—In two new studies, scientists use genome sequencing of worldwide samples to show that bacteria can take very different routes to becoming a successful disease. Researchers can use these large-scale approaches ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Infections damage our ability to form spatial memories

Increased inflammation following an infection impairs the brain's ability to form spatial memories – according to new research. The impairment results from a decrease in glucose metabolism in the brain's memory centre, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New games added to The Great Brain Experiment

Scientists at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL have found that by using a mobile app, it is possible to gather, on a large scale, the type of information that can traditionally only be gleaned from lab experiments.

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