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Psychology & Psychiatry news

Psychology & Psychiatry

A dog's puppyhood can cause 'puppy blues' reminiscent of baby blues

Bringing a puppy home is usually a happy event, but sometimes the life change that comes with it can provoke significant negative emotions. In a study now published in npj Mental Health Research, researchers found that almost ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Kids given 'digital pacifiers' to calm tantrums fail to learn how to regulate emotions, study finds

Tantrums are part of growing up. How these outbursts of anger or frustration are managed, however, can impact children's emotional development.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New research advances understanding of negative social contact

New research, by the Department of Psychology at Durham University, has found that negative social contact among people of differing societal or cultural groups can have a disproportionate negative effect on broad social ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study suggests depictions of depression are often misleading

A Finnish study, appearing in the journal Psychopathology, shows that people are commonly given misleading information about depression. According to the researchers, inaccurate information makes it harder for people to understand ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Supportive caregiving reduces emotional overeating in toddlers

Managing a fussy infant or a determined toddler can be a daily test of patience and endurance for parents and caregivers. New research on the origins of emotional overeating in 3-year-olds suggests that how caregivers respond ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The downside of being good-looking

New research challenges the notion that good looks are the key to happiness. It turns out that an attractive appearance leads to more risky behavior among young people. The more attractive a teenager is, the greater the likelihood ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Postpartum urinary incontinence linked to mental health

A UT Southwestern Medical Center study of hundreds of underserved women has shown that depression and anxiety, in addition to physical factors such as a higher body mass index and previous births, are associated with lingering ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

First of its kind study shines light on LGBTQ+ farmer mental health

LGBTQ+ people involved in farm work are over three times more likely to experience depression and suicidal intent and about two and a half times more likely to experience anxiety than the general population. That's according ...