Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fungal infections can trigger and exacerbate asthma

(Medical Xpress)—A common fungal infection can trigger asthma and make it much worse by way of a route not targeted by existing asthma drugs, report researchers at Boston Children's Hospital. Their findings, published online ...


The pathway to asthma winds through toll-like receptor 4

In a report that appears online in the journal Science, Dr. David Corry of Baylor College of Medicine and colleagues describe a molecule called toll-like receptor 4 that plays a key role in prompting the innate or immediate ...


Researchers identify 'master coordinator' for aortic rupture

Every year, more than 16,000 Americans die as a result of what's known as an "aortic dissection"—a catastrophic rupture of the aorta, the body's largest artery. Once thought to be a simple structural failure, aortic dissection ...

Medical research

Research suggests origins of key cells in the thymus

Medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) allow the thymus to ensure that the body's T cells are able to distinguish between potentially harmful foreign antigens and those that are produced by the body itself. A Swiss-Japanese ...

Medical research

Ebola's secret weapon revealed

Researchers have discovered the mechanism behind one of the Ebola virus' most dangerous attributes: its ability to disarm the adaptive immune system.

Medical research

Vaccine adjuvant uses host DNA to boost pathogen recognition

Aluminum salts, or alum, have been injected into billions of people as an adjuvant to make vaccines more effective. No one knows, however, how they boost the immune response. In the March 19, 2013, issue of the Proceedings ...

Medical research

The immune system can delay healing of bone fractures

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have succeeded in demonstrating an association between delayed bone fracture healing and increased concentration of specific immune cells in the blood ...

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