
Watch immune cells 'glue' broken blood vessels back together

As we age, tiny blood vessels in the brain stiffen and sometimes rupture, causing "microbleeds." This damage has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline, but whether the brain can naturally repair ...

Medical research

Why obesity predisposes to severe respiratory failure

The lungs of seven percent of all intensive care unit patients will fill up with fluid causing a 30 to 50 percent chance of death from a condition called acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This syndrome has few options ...

Oncology & Cancer

Peanut component linked to cancer spread

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that a component of peanuts could encourage the spread and survival of cancer cells in the body.


The Janus-like nature of JAM-A

A new study by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich researchers led by Christian Weber sheds light on the role of the adhesion molecule JAM-A in the recruitment of immune cells to the inner layer of arteries – ...

Oncology & Cancer

Targeted cancer treatment: Cause of skin infections identified

Targeted, successful cancer treatments are very often accompanied by unpleasant side effects. Especially in anti-EGFR treatments the skin is often so badly affected by inflammations that patients consider breaking off the ...


Researchers target an aspect of Down syndrome

University of Michigan researchers have determined how a gene that is known to be defective in Down syndrome is regulated and how its dysregulation may lead to neurological defects, providing insights into potential therapeutic ...

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