Psychology & Psychiatry

So cute you could crush it?

Have you ever looked at a puppy and had the urge to squeeze or even bite it? Or felt compelled to pinch a baby's cheeks, albeit without a desire to harm it? If you answered yes to either question, you've experienced a phenomenon ...

Oncology & Cancer

Checkmating tumors

Chess and cancer research have one thing in common: It takes strategy to defeat the opponent. And that's exactly what scientists at the MDC are doing. They are seeking to selectively make only those cancer cells aggressive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sexist men underestimate their power in romantic relationships

Heterosexual men with sexist attitudes may underestimate how much power they actually have in their romantic relationships, which could lead to increased aggression toward their female partners or wives, according to research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Family, school support makes kids more likely to stand up to bullying

A recent study from North Carolina State University and the University of South Carolina finds that young people with good family relationships are more likely to intervene when they witness bullying or other aggressive behavior ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists bring new hope to brain tumor patients

sGBM is a rare type of brain cancer in adults. The incidence varies from 2 to 5 per million people per year. For example, if Hong Kong's base population of 7.5 million people is taken as a reference, over 15 people will be ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sibling rivalry: When the fighting crosses the line

Sibling rivalry. Every parent and every sibling understands what this means. Siblings fight. A lot. And sometimes those fights escalate to involve physical, verbal, and psychological aggression. Aggression between siblings ...

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