Radiology & Imaging

How X/Twitter trained an AI tool for pathologists

The most impressive uses of artificial intelligence rely on good data—and lots of it. Chatbots, for example, learn to converse from millions of web pages full of text. Autonomous vehicles learn to drive from sensor data ...

Health informatics

AI transformation of medicine: Why doctors are not prepared

As artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT find their way into everyday use, physicians will start to see these tools incorporated into their clinical practice to help them make important decisions on diagnosis and treatment ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media algorithms exploit how humans learn from their peers

In prehistoric societies, humans tended to learn from members of our ingroup or from more prestigious individuals, as this information was more likely to be reliable and result in group success. However, with the advent of ...


New algorithm may fuel vaccine development

Immune system researchers have designed a computational tool to boost pandemic preparedness. Scientists can use this new algorithm to compare data from vastly different experiments and better predict how individuals may respond ...

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