Sleep disorders

This oral appliance could help you (and your partner) sleep better

Researchers measured a novel treatment for sleep apnea developed at Hiroshima University Hospital with positive results. By measuring patients lying down flat, the researchers simulated sleep conditions and measured the patient's ...

Sleep disorders

Researchers use NHANES to search for hypothyroid-sleep apnea link

Several past studies have sought to determine if a link exists between thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism, a decrease in thyroid hormone levels, and sleep apnea, a potentially dangerous condition in which a sleeping person's ...

Medical research

Researchers delve into what happens during sleep

In the classic fairy tale, Snow White bites into an apple and slips into a state of suspended animation. For her fellow figment of fiction, man-about-the-Catskills character Rip Van Winkle, a sip of moonshine affords the ...

Sleep disorders

Sleep apnea patient finds rest with UK dentistry

When Danville native Linda Pike was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in 2010, she was relieved to finally discover a name for the condition that had kept her from getting a good night's rest for years. Her troubles ...

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