Oncology & Cancer

Breast cancer drug geldanamycin could halt other tumors

A drug commonly used in treating breast cancer could have far wider benefits, offering a new way of preventing cancers spreading through the body, according to a University of Leeds-led study.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research suggests promise of cell therapy for bowel disease

New research shows that a special population of stem cells found in cord blood has the innate ability to migrate to the intestine and contribute to the cell population there, suggesting the cells' potential to treat inflammatory ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breast MRI helps predict chemotherapy's effectiveness

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides an indication of a breast tumor's response to pre-surgical chemotherapy significantly earlier than possible through clinical examination, according to a new study published online ...

Medical research

The body's bacteria affect intestinal blood vessel formation

Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have discovered a previously unknown mechanism which helps intestinal bacteria to affect the formation of blood vessels. The results, which are ...

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