Medical research

Citrate-based biomaterial fuels bone healing with less rejection

A material based on a natural product of bones and citrus fruit, called citrate, provides the extra energy that stem cells need to form new bone tissue, according to a team of Penn State bioengineers. Their new understanding ...

Medical research

Team develops novel self-fitting scaffold for bone regeneration

Researchers from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) have designed and fabricated a high-performing, self-fitting bone scaffold by combining a shape memory foam and hydroxyapatite, the principal mineral component ...

Medical research

3-D printed biomaterials for bone tissue engineering

When skeletal defects are unable to heal on their own, bone tissue engineering (BTE), a developing field in orthopedics can combine materials science, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine to facilitate bone repair. ...

Medical research

Building bones with a 3-D printer

Strand by strand, and layer by layer, Daniel Chen's research team is inching closer to repairing and rebuilding bones with the use of 3-D printing technology.

Medical research

How metal scaffolds enhance the bone healing process

A new study shows how mechanically optimized constructs known as titanium-mesh scaffolds can optimize bone regeneration. The induction of bone regeneration is of importance when treating large bone defects. As demonstrated ...

Medical research

Elucidation of bone regeneration mechanism

How osteoblasts are supplied during bone regeneration has been controversial among bone researchers. According to Atsushi Kawakami, an Associate Professor who specializes in tissue regeneration and led the study, scientists ...

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