Oncology & Cancer

Examining the cause of leukemia in trisomy 21

Leukemia (blood cancer) is a group of malignant and aggressive diseases of the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. Very intensive chemotherapy and in some cases a bone marrow transplant are the only cure. Like all cancers, ...


Researchers use a new approach to hit an 'undruggable' target

The protein STAT5 has long been an appealing target against cancer, but after decades of research it was consigned to the "undruggable" category. Now, University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center researchers have found success ...


Seven ways to protect your health when cooking with gas

Cooking can pollute the air inside your house to such an extent that breathing in your kitchen may be as safe as breathing by a busy roadside. A poor supply of oxygen can prevent gas or solid fuels burning properly, which ...

Oncology & Cancer

Experts call for better cancer tests to tailor treatment

Greater use of cancer tests is the key to tailoring use of new treatments for patients more precisely and so increasing their chances of being recommended for use within the NHS, experts say.

Oncology & Cancer

Germany's BioNTech plans UK trial of mRNA cancer therapy

German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, which developed a trailblazing COVID-19 vaccine, will trial a cancer treatment in Britain using the same mRNA technology, the company said on Friday.

Oncology & Cancer

CDK4: A master regulator of the cell cycle and its role in cancer

The mammalian cell cycle is divided into four phases, Gap 1 (G1), Synthesis (S), Gap 2 (G2) and Mitosis (M), whose order and timing are critical for accurate transmission of genetic information. Consequently, a number of ...

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