Oncology & Cancer

No link found between cured meat and pancreatic cancer

(Medical Xpress) -- Previous research has suggested that the consumption of cured meat may have a possible link to pancreatic cancer risk however a new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology shows that there ...


New study confirms immune cells are guided by gradients

(Medical Xpress)—A group of researchers in Austria and Switzerland has for the first time proven that immune cells migrate along chemical concentration gradients. This process has long been assumed but never demonstrated ...

Oncology & Cancer

How tumors transform blood vessels

Increasingly dense cell clusters in growing tumors convert blood vessels into fiber-filled channels. This makes immune cells less effective, as findings by researchers from ETH Zurich and the University of Strasbourg suggest. ...

Oncology & Cancer

New clues about the risk of cancer from low-dose radiation

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have uncovered new clues about the risk of cancer from low-dose radiation, which in this research they define as equivalent ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists advise caution in immunotherapy research

In a new study, Yale Cancer Center (YCC) scientists suggest that as the number of clinical trials in cancer immunotherapy grows exponentially, some caution should be exercised as we continue to better understand the biology ...

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