Oncology & Cancer

Genetic alterations caused by cancer therapies identified

Living implies change. This is what happens to the cells of our bodies as we grow older: They accumulate genetic alterations, most of which are harmless. However, in some specific cases, these mutations can affect certain ...


Potential genetic markers of multiple sclerosis severity

In a bid to determine factors linked to the most debilitating forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have identified three so-called "complement system" genes that appear to play a role ...


Scientists find molecular key to body making healthy T cells

In a finding that could help lead to new therapies for immune diseases like multiple sclerosis and IBD, scientists report in the Journal of Experimental Medicine identifying a gene and family of proteins critical to the formation ...

Oncology & Cancer

Uncovering the pathway to colon cancer

The hidden world of genetic changes, or mutations, in healthy colon tissue has been uncovered by scientists at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and their collaborators. The team developed technology to sequence the genomes of ...

Medical research

New genetic link found for some forms of SIDS

A genetic link has now been found for some instances of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS. The new UW Medicine research study is the first to make an explainable link tracking the mechanism between a genetic anomaly and ...


Team discovers one more piece to the autism puzzle

Mutations in a subunit of a receptor that binds the major inhibitory neurotransmitter GABAA in the brain have been linked, through a common mechanism, to epilepsy, autism and intellectual disability, researchers at Vanderbilt ...


Identifying a gene for canine night blindness

Creating an effective gene therapy for inherited diseases requires three key steps. First, scientists must identify and characterize the disease. Second, they must find the gene responsible. And finally, they must find a ...

Oncology & Cancer

Mutant cells team up to make an even deadlier blood cancer

Sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Researchers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory have discovered that two cell mutations, already harmful alone, enhance one another's effects, contributing to the development ...

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