
3D genome architecture influences SCID-X1 gene therapy success

Patients with X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID-X1), sometimes called "bubble boy disease," are born with a defective gene that prevents them from producing immune cells. Gene therapy from St. Jude ...

Oncology & Cancer

A possible new treatment for acute myeloid leukemia

New research has identified a novel immunotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia. The study, published in Nature Cancer, describes a T-cell receptor that recognizes a mutation shared between a subgroup of patients with the disease. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Testing transgenic T cells against malignant brain tumors

Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the University Medical Center Mannheim (UMM) have successfully tested a new form of cellular immunotherapy against brain tumors in mice for the first time.

Oncology & Cancer

Can what works to treat cancer work for diabetes?

To live with type 1 diabetes is to be ruled by relentless routine. Food must be carefully monitored, and the only treatment, subcutaneous insulin, is burdensome—requiring regular injections or an insulin pump, continuous ...

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