Oncology & Cancer

Cholesterol activates signaling pathway that promotes cancer

Everyone knows that cholesterol, at least the bad kind, can cause heart disease and hardening of the arteries. Now, researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago describe a new role for cholesterol in the activation ...


Learning early in life may help keep brain cells alive

According to a recently published study in Frontiers in Neuroscience, Rutgers behavioral and systems neuroscientist Tracey Shors, who co-authored the study, found that the newborn brain cells in young rats that were successful ...


Silencers refine sound localization

A new study by LMU researchers shows that sound localization involves a complex interplay between excitatory and inhibitory signals. Pinpointing of sound sources in space would be impossible without the tuning effect of the ...


Sensitive balance in the immune system

Apoptosis is used by cells that are changed by disease or are simply not needed any longer to eliminate themselves before they become a hazard to the body—on a cellular level, death is part of life. Disruption of this process ...

Medical research

Watching the brain do its thing

To a large extent, the brain remains a black box. Taking it out of its case inside the skull and examining it—as in an autopsy—reveals some things, but not how the brain works in a living, functioning being. Assistant ...

Medical research

Researchers find new pathway connected to type 2 diabetes

Scientists at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Research Institute have discovered a cellular pathway that is responsible for keeping blood sugar levels low in obese or pre-diabetic people, and may prevent ...

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