
Study clarifies process controlling night vision

On the road at night or on a tennis court at dusk, the eye can be deceived. Vision is not as sharp as in the light of day, and detecting a bicyclist on the road or a careening tennis ball can be tough.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study examines how Alzheimer's kills brain cells

(Medical Xpress)—Exactly how Alzheimer's disease kills brain cells is still somewhat of a mystery, but University of Michigan researchers have uncovered a clue that supports the idea that small proteins prick holes into ...

Inflammatory disorders

Study gives new insight on inflammation

Scientists' discovery of an important step in the body's process for healing wounds may lead to a new way of treating inflammation.


Study: The epigenome of newborns and centenarians is different

What happens in our cells after one hundred years? What is the difference at the molecular level between a newborn and a centenary? Is it a gradual or a sudden change? Is it possible to reverse the aging process? What are ...


Genetic mutation found in familial chronic diarrhea syndrome

When the intestines are not able to properly process our diet, a variety of disorders can develop, with chronic diarrhea as a common symptom. Chronic diarrhea can also be inherited, most commonly through conditions with genetic ...

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