Medical research

Protein 'motif' crucial to telomerase activity

It is difficult to underestimate the importance of telomerase, an enzyme that is the hallmark of both aging and the uncontrolled cell division associated with cancer. In an effort to understand and control telomerase activity, ...


Meet CLAMP: A newly found protein that regulates genes

(Medical Xpress)—A newly discovered protein, found in many species, turns out to be the missing link that allows a key regulatory complex to find and operate on the lone X chromosome of male fruit flies, bringing them to ...


Researchers discover a new gene involved in obesity

The discovery of an unexpected function for a gene that was associated to another process in the organism might be a solution in search of a problem, a clue to unsuspected connections. That is what has happened with RAP1, ...


Scientists at UCI restore long-term memory to mice

University of California-Irvine neurobiologists have discovered a protein complex in neurons that is essential to long-term memory formation and is also corrupted in the brains of people with some developmental disabilities ...

Medical research

How chromosomes keep their loose ends loose

We take it for granted that our chromosomes won't stick together, yet this kind of cellular disaster would happen constantly were it not for a protein called TRF2. Now, scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) ...

Oncology & Cancer

A new mechanism that contributes to the evolution of cancer

Cancer arises from the accumulation of mutations and structural changes in chromosomes, which in some cases give rise to combinations that favour the growth or expansion of the disease. In this context, chromosomes tend to ...

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