Oncology & Cancer

Are all cancer cells the same?

Take two cancer cells and compare their genomes. Surprisingly, they can be quite different. This genetic variation is one of the hallmarks of cancer, and one reason why treating cancer is so hard.

Oncology & Cancer

Rethinking existing method opens new doors for cancer diagnostics

All diseases have a genetic component. Advances in understanding the genetic mechanisms behind these disease enables the development of early diagnostic tests, new treatments, or interventions to prevent disease onset or ...

Medical research

Tweak to assay could bolster disease detection

A team of School of Medicine researchers has developed a technique that they hope could more precisely detect diseases or disorders such as cancer or a heart attack.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists crack structure of enzyme complex linked to cancer

A research team led by a biochemist at the University of California, Riverside has solved the crystal structure for an enzyme that plays a key role in DNA methylation, the process by which methyl groups are added to the DNA ...

Oncology & Cancer

After the epigenome: The epitranscriptome

Our genome is made up of 6,000 million pieces of DNA that combine four "flavors": A, C, G and T (Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine). It is our Alphabet. But to this base we must add some regulation, just like the spelling ...

Oncology & Cancer

Trading in the scalpel for a sharper blade

Losing a breast or a lung to cancer leaves a scar, both physical and emotional. But even a biopsy to determine if a tumor is cancerous, or to track a tumor's response to drugs, brings short-term pain and can miss signs of ...


Mapping the 'dark matter' of human DNA

Researchers from ERIBA, Radboud UMC, XJTU, Saarland University, CWI and UMC Utrecht have made a big step towards a better understanding of the human genome. By identifying large DNA variants in 250 Dutch families, the researchers ...

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