Oncology & Cancer

Current cancer drug discovery method flawed, study finds

The primary method used to test compounds for anti-cancer activity in cells is flawed, Vanderbilt University researchers report May 2 in Nature Methods. The findings cast doubt on methods used by the entire scientific enterprise ...


The importance of standardizing drug screening studies

A bioinformatics expert at the IRCM, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, recently published an article stressing the importance of standardizing drug screening studies in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. The study supports the ...


New link between obesity and diabetes found

A single overactive enzyme worsens the two core defects of diabetes—impaired insulin sensitivity and overproduction of glucose—suggesting that a drug targeting the enzyme could help correct both at once, according to ...


Codeine could increase users' sensitivity to pain

Using large and frequent doses of the pain-killer codeine may actually produce heightened sensitivity to pain, without the same level of relief offered by morphine, according to new research from the University of Adelaide.

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers excel in predicting cancer drug sensitivity

Researchers from Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT and Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM have developed a triumphant solution for predicting responses of breast cancer cells to a set of cancer ...

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