Medical research

Human gut study questions probiotic health benefits

Probiotics are found in everything from chocolate and pickles to hand lotion and baby formula, and millions of people buy probiotic supplements to boost digestive health. But new research suggests they might not be as effective ...

Oncology & Cancer

Single-nucleus RNA sequencing, droplet by droplet

Last year Broad researchers described a single-nucleus RNA sequencing method called sNuc-Seq. This system enabled researchers to study the gene expression profiles of difficult-to-isolate cell types as well as cells from ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Lack of a hormone in pregnant mice linked to preeclampsia

(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers from Singapore, the Netherlands and Turkey has isolated a hormone in pregnant mice that appears to be associated with preeclampsia—a pregnancy-related condition characterized by ...

Medical research

Researchers use single-cell sequencing to understand how cells age

Researchers from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), University of Cambridge, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Cancer Research UK-Cambridge Institute (CRUK-CI) have shed light on a long-standing debate ...

Oncology & Cancer

New method offers potential for uncovering how cancer begins

At Baylor College of Medicine, scientists have developed a method that allows them to accurately determine the genes expressed in single cells. Among other applications, this technique can be useful to study how cancerous ...


Tapping crowd-sourced data unearths a trove of depression genes

Scientists have discovered 15 genome sites - the first ever - linked to depression in people of European ancestry. Many of these regions of depression-linked genetic variation turn out to be involved in regulating gene expression ...


Immunology meets single-cell sequencing

Research from the Single-Cell Genomics Centre on the Wellcome Genome Campus could change the way we look at gene expression and immune response. Published in Nature Methods, the new method, TraCeR, provides a powerful tool ...

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