
Single enzyme is necessary for development of diabetes

An enzyme called 12-LO promotes the obesity-induced oxidative stress in the pancreatic cells that leads to pre-diabetes, and diabetes. 12-LO's enzymatic action is the last step in the production of certain small molecules ...

Medical research

A new player in lipid metabolism discovered

(Medical Xpress)—Specially engineered mice that lacked a particular gene did not gain weight when fed a typical high-fat, obesity-inducing Western diet. Yet, these mice ate the same amount as their normal counterparts that ...


Belly fat hinders digestive disease medications

The mass and composition of our bodies can significantly affect the way medications are metabolized and absorbed. Investigators at Cedars-Sinai have found that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with higher levels ...

Medical research

Pomace olive oil reduces obesity

Researchers from the Department of Pharmacology, Paediatrics and Radiology at the University of Seville, in collaboration with Dr. Rodriguez from the International University of Catalonia, have confirmed that orujo (pomace) ...

Medical research

Scientists find new clues about how the body stores fat

Fat, biologically speaking, is not a bad thing. Fatty acids—the molecular building blocks for body fat—are crucial to the formation of cell walls and for storing energy in the form of glycerolipids. Now, Rockefeller scientists ...

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