Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify genes tied to increased risk of ovarian cancer

A team of researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer, Cedars-Sinai Cancer and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have newly identified 34 genes that are associated with an increased risk for developing the earliest stages ...


Scientists use supercomputer to search for "memory molecules"

Until now, searching for genes related to memory capacity has been comparable to seeking out the proverbial "needle in a haystack." Scientists at the University of Basel made use of the CSCS supercomputer Piz Daint to discover ...

Oncology & Cancer

What Netflix can teach us about treating cancer

Two years ago, former President Barack Obama announced the Precision Medicine initiative in his State of the Union Address. The initiative aspired to a "new era of medicine" where disease treatments could be specifically ...


Interview with Connectomics founder Olaf Sporns

Last month marked the 10th anniversary of the landmark paper that launched "connectomics", overthrowing the predominant approach to localizing individual functions in the brain in favor of mapping the entirety of the brain's ...


Researchers bring order to big data of human biology

A multi-year study led by researchers from the Simons Center for Data Analysis (SCDA) and major universities and medical schools has broken substantial new ground, establishing how genes work together within 144 different ...


Simulating biological thought process within a computer system

The structure of the brain reveals a network of massively interconnected electrochemically active cells. It is known that information can be represented by changes of state within this network, but that statement falls far ...


Human immune system shapes skin microbiome

Our skin plays host to millions of beneficial and potentially disease-causing microorganisms; however, whether our immune system influences these microbial communities to prevent disease is unknown. In a study published online ...

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