Medical research

Scientists track the genes behind hearing loss

Tens of millions of Europeans suffer from a hearing impairment of some degree. They range from the one child in 1,000 who is born deaf, to the many whose hearing is declining as they grow older.


Wide range of differences, mostly unseen, among humans

No two human beings are the same. Although we all possess the same genes, our genetic code varies in many places. And since genes provide the blueprint for all proteins, these variants usually result in numerous differences ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The genetic key to conquering cholera

Researchers have long understood that genetics can play a role in how susceptible people are to contracting cholera, but a team of Harvard scientists is now uncovering evidence of genetic changes that might also help protect ...


How mice teach us about disease

Researchers have created a large new resource of more than 900 genes switched off one-at-a-time in mice to discover which genes are important for a wide range of biological functions such as fertility or hearing.


Researchers discover new mechanism for human gene expression

In a study that could change the way scientists view the process of protein production in humans, University of Chicago researchers have found a single gene that encodes two separate proteins from the same sequence of messenger ...


Hit a 95 mph baseball? Scientists pinpoint how we see it coming

(Medical Xpress)—How does San Francisco Giants slugger Pablo Sandoval swat a 95 mph fastball, or tennis icon Venus Williams see the oncoming ball, let alone return her sister Serena's 120 mph serves? For the first time, ...


Transgenic mice ready to fight obesity—and more

Scientists at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw investigate mice with a very precisely modified genome. Because it is possible to turn off the Dicer gene in adult mice, ...

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