
Your genes affect your betting behavior

Investors and gamblers take note: your betting decisions and strategy are determined, in part, by your genes. University of California, Berkeley, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) researchers have shown ...


Complex interactions may matter most for longevity

If studying a single gene or a diet that might extend longevity is like searching for a fountain of youth, then a new study calls for looking at something more like the whole watershed. Brown University biologists who experimentally ...


Russian scientists develop algorithm for anti-aging remedy search

MIPT scientists have provided an algorithm which can help in the search for aging-suppressing drugs. The researchers, whose work is published in Frontiers in Genetics magazine, have compared gene expression in young and elderly ...


Researchers shed light on role of genes in autism

(Medical Xpress)—Research carried out by Medical Research Council (MRC) researchers at the University of Oxford has uncovered a chain of genetic events that are common in individuals with autism, and have examined for the ...

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