
Mayo Clinic Minute: Exercising in the new year

Keeping to a New Year's resolution is so difficult for some that there's even a day on the calendar for those unsuccessful to abandon their plans: Jan. 17, which is known as "Ditch New Year's Resolution Day." But before all ...


Using a shopping list may aid food desert residents

For residents of areas with limited access to healthy foods, also known as food deserts, multiple barriers exist that amplify the health risks of living in those areas. Likewise, risks for poor diet and being overweight or ...


Take small bites toward better nutrition

Good nutrition doesn't have to be difficult or restrictive, and achieving good eating habits can be done bit by bit or, more accurately, bite by bite, said Jenna Anding, Ph.D., a registered dietician nutritionist with the ...

Overweight & Obesity

One out of two parents do not see their child's weight problems

One out of two parents of children with overweight feel that their child's weight is normal. Four out of ten parents of children with overweight or obesity are even worried that their child will get too thin. These are the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Marriage provides health benefits—and here's why

The new year is traditionally a time when many people feel a renewed commitment to create healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, drinking more water or eating more healthfully.


Five steps to get back on the diet track after the holidays

(HealthDay)—Even though successful dieters work harder than non-dieters at maintaining their weight over the holidays, they often face more weight gain than thinner people. And gaining weight often goes on for another month ...


Kids and poor sleep: A habit that's breakable

Children enter the world hardwired with plenty of quirks and traits, but no one is born a "bad sleeper." In fact, sleep troubles are a habit kids pick up—and one that parents often unknowingly reinforce.

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