
An apple a day on doctors' orders keeps ill health away

Fresh fruit and vegetables prescribed by doctors could be an effective way to improve the health of Australians with type 2 diabetes, according to a new study published today in the Journal of Nutrition.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Back-to-school mental health tips

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Our daughter has attended school virtually for the past five years and enjoyed the experience. Now that she is heading into ninth grade, she wants a more traditional high school experience. However, she ...


Q and A: 10 nutrition myths debunked

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: As a woman in my 40s, I've experienced a wide variety of diet fads come and go. One week I read it's bad to eat carbs. The next week, it's full-fat dairy products. I've seen articles that say I should only ...

Oncology & Cancer

Healthy diet after head, neck cancer diagnosis may boost survival

Patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head or neck were 93% less likely to die of any cause during the first three years after diagnosis if they ate a healthy diet high in nutrients found to deter chronic disease, ...

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