
New theory better explains how the brain stores memories

How useful a memory is for future situations determines where it resides in the brain, according to a new theory proposed by researchers at HHMI's Janelia Research Campus and collaborators at UCL.


AI reveals brain's learning processes

Researchers at the Neural Computation Institute of Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, have constructed a computer model that learns spatial information in a pattern similar to that of rodents.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why do we remember emotional events better than non-emotional ones?

Most people remember emotional events—like their wedding day—very clearly, but researchers are not sure how the human brain prioritizes emotional events in memory. In a study published on January 16, 2023 in Nature Human ...


New open-source app for precise brain mapping

The hippocampus is a small, complex, folded brain structure that holds clues to several brain disorders. It is also one of the most difficult-to-map regions of the brain. After developing a successful technique to digitally ...

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