Overweight & Obesity

Aldose reductase promotes diet-induced obesity

High-fat diet (HFD) feeding in mice promotes induction of aldose reductase (AR) activity, expression, and senescence of adipocytes in subcutaneous adipose tissue (scAT), according to a new study in Obesity journal.


Narrow-spectrum UV light may reduce surgical infections

Despite major efforts to keep operating rooms sterile, surgical wound infections remain a serious and stubborn problem, killing up to 8,200 patients a year in the U.S. A study by Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) ...


Born to survive—How human neurons manage to live a century

Essentially all human tissues and organs have the capacity to heal, to renew cells which are damaged or killed. In this context, the human brain behaves fundamentally differently. The vast majority of nerve cells are created ...

Medical research

Microneedling therapeutic stem cells into damaged tissues

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent in that they naturally replenish the cell types that build bone, cartilage and adipose tissues. However, they exhibit much broader regenerative potential, including their capacity ...


Engineered cornea more resistant to chemical injury

(Medical Xpress) -- A new study from the University of Reading has established that a prosthetic cornea made from human cells is the best model for testing how irritants and toxins cause eye injuries.

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