Oncology & Cancer

New method reveals how well cancer drugs hit their targets

Scientists have developed a technique that allows them to measure how well cancer drugs reach their targets inside the body. It shows individual cancer cells in a tumour in real time, revealing which cells interact with the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists create a complete atlas of lung tumor cells

Researchers from VIB, Leuven University and University Hospital Leuven studied thousands of healthy and cancerous lung cells to create the first comprehensive atlas of lung tumor cells. Their results reveal that tumors are ...


Neuronal 'barcodes' shape complex networks in the brain

The brain is an enormously complex organ. Understanding how billions of brain cells make precise connections is a major challenge for neuroscientists. Professor Joris de Wit and his team (VIB-KU Leuven) have unraveled a molecular ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Link to brain protein holds promise for new depression treatments

Scientists have long known that an imbalance in brain chemistry can lead to depression. University of Victoria researchers have taken this knowledge a step further, examining what happens inside the brain's cells in order ...


Defining the brain mosaic in fruit flies and humans

Similar to a mosaic floor where different patterned tiles come together to make a composite and holistic image, our brains consist of billions of unique neurons that connect and generate coordinated brain activity. Unlike ...

Medical research

DOR protein deficiency favors the development of obesity

Obesity is a world health problem. Excessive accumulation of fat tissue (adipose tissue) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes and some types of cancer. However, some obese individuals are less ...

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